Like Cocoa? Chocolate? 

Drink Qocoa and Be Healthy

Enjoy a Delicious Nutritious QOCOA P3!
Cocoa BEANS have distinctive properties. Once processed into cocoa powder, it is delicious when brewed, drink hot or cold at any time.

Now, in addition to taste, QOCOA P3 comes with a nutritional supplement.  Cocoa itself is nutritious, coupled with additional benefits, allowing you to enjoy the taste of chocolate is so special with multiple benefits.  Every time you enjoy your favorite drink, you get benefits, not just taste.

These are some of the additional benefits and privileges QOCOA P3:
  • Only contains natural cocoa powder 
  • Contains Barley Malt extract which is nutritionally
  • Popular natural sweeteners Nanosweeta P3. People with diabetes who loves chocolate should not worry
  • Non-dairy creamer
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Vanilla